A pressure cooker allows you to quickly prepare a potof beans or a pot roast. The food is quickly cooked in a pressure cooker as itcreates a seal that retains air and moisture. Actually you will be able to cookthe meal at a higher temperature as the water within the cooker has a higherboiling point.
�The good news for vegetarians is that their beans,rice and staples � that would take at least 40 minutes to cook � can beprepared and served in roughly 10 minutes. Most vegetables and softer foodsneed only a couple of minutes to be cooked.
�Those who are on a low carbohydrate diet can greatlyappreciate the benefits of a pressure cook, as they can easily make mealtendered a lot cheaper. Just imagine you could cook an entire chicken inroughly 20 minutes.
�Pressure cookers are quite heavy and robust, preciselybecause of what they are designed to do: maintain high pressure within thedevice. These appliances are available in many sizes, so you might want to havetwo units.
�A small pressure cooker is great for vegetables,potatoes and rice, while a larger one is perfect for roasts and poultry. Thelarger pressure cooker is most adequate for some ribs or for stuffed peppers.You could cook the ribs in the pressure cooker for a few minutes, to make meattender, and then grill them a little bit pouring some of your favorite barbecuesauce on top of them. All these cooking can be done in a really short time.
�A pressure cooker is also an excellent option when youare in a hurry to get to the office in the morning. There are situations whenyou have no time to put the food in a slow cooker in the morning. In suchcases, when you finally get home, you just need to put the food in the cookerand it will be prepared by the time you arrange everything else for dinner.